Cookhouse Creamery

Garden Festival Only

Last Updated: 11 months ago

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  • Longitude: 25.8061
  • Latitude: -32.7486
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Tourist Attractions Offered

  • Open Gardens

About Cookhouse Creamery


Cookhouse Creamery is a cheese and butter factory in Cookhouse that produces cheddar, gouda, mozzarella and butter.
Cookhouse Creamery is welcoming visitors on the Friday and Saturday to taste our very local produce, take a short guided hourly tour of the factory and visit our new Factory Shop on the next door premises.Cookhouse Creamery is welcoming visitors on the Friday and Saturday to taste our very local produce, take a short guided hourly tour of the factory and visit our new Factory Shop on the next door premises.Cookhouse Creamery is welcoming visitors on the Friday and Saturday to taste our very local produce, take a short guided hourly tour of the factory and visit our new Factory Shop on the next door premises.

Cookhouse Creamery is welcoming visitors on the Friday and Saturday to taste our very local produce, take a short guided hourly tour of the factory and visit our new Factory Shop on the next door premises.

Cookhouse Creamery is a cheese and butter factory in Cookhouse that produces cheddar, gouda, mozzarella and butter, forming a key part ofthe town's economy and fabric and has been producing cheese for 4 years.

The factory is supplied by three farms between Cookhouse and Golden Valley, with all the milk coming from pasture based cows.

The factory buildings softened by the large trees, planting on the verges and the gardens, enjoy a cheese tasing on the lawns under the trees.


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